Fundraising: 8 Things That Will Set You Apart From Your Competition

3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Fundraising is the lifeblood of any NGO. When you set up an NGO, you will need to make the projects and aims of the organization attractive for the donors. However, there are a few requirements for donors before fundraising. Being prepared when approaching donors and fundraising can make the difference between success and failure.

We have done some research on the process and some of the important elements of major donor fundraising. These requirements are for the organization or NGO and they should ensure that you maximize the donations. Here are some of the most important requirements for successful communication with donors.

1. Consider Treating Them As Humans

It is easy to forget that donors or individuals with funds are humans. However, they have likes and dislikes, while also having families. Instead of manipulating donors into giving you funds, it is important to approach them humanely. It is much better to appeal to the humanity of the donor and you might build a better relationship.

2. Donors Are Busy People

Donors spend a lot of time growing their business or their wealth. This means that donors can be very busy and might not always be available. It is best to approach them with accurate information and ensure you don’t waste their time. When scheduling meetings, try to accommodate their busy lives and busy schedules.

3. Consider Their Opinions

Donors have their own opinions and they have their methods of doing things. You must consider them as intelligent and allow them to express themselves. Aside from building a stronger relationship, you will allow them to feel in charge, most people like being in charge and giving the best ideas.

4. Donors Can Offer More Than Funding

Donors are often highly intelligent business individuals and they are used to making money and implementing ideas. It is often a good idea to give the donors a break and allow them to offer you some advice. The advice can be in the form of business support and even the implementation of projects. Additionally, they can link you to additional donors.

5. Donors Donate For A Reason

Donating money is often based on a belief system to help achieve a specific cause. Donors will offer funds to help you achieve a specific goal and they tend to expect that you achieve these goals. One of the most important things is to ensure that you always keep the donors happy. Always be clear on the position and the goals you have for the NGO.

6. Keep Them Updated

Every donor wants to be in control and informed about what is happening to the funds they have donated. You must keep them updated with the functionality of the process. You will need to ensure that they understand where the funds are being spent. It could also help you secure more funds as they notice results.

7. Ethics Are Important To Donors

If you are new to the industry, you might not understand the ethics of business. However, donors are not your friends and they want to consider the agreement as a business deal. You want to be professional with your approach. You must keep all the details professional and have contracts set up professionally.

8. Donors Want To Be Rewarded

Donors are an important aspect of any NGO and they want to feel like they are being rewarded. Donations are never mandatory and you don’t want to only put stress on the donors. Hosting parties for the donors can be a great way to reward them. Additionally, it can help build your brand. Many of these events are also used for fundraising and attracting other donors.


Donors are not robots and they should be considered as such. The above-mentioned information can help you improve the relationship with your donors and improve the results of the projects. It is important that every donor feels like the family that you are trying to build with an NGO.

Read also:

10 Ways To Keep Your Donors Satisfied & Happy

How To Get corporate Funding For Your NGO

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